"Never Spilling a Drop"

In Buddhism we use the analogy of water to describe the individuality of each of us, but also the connectedness of us all.

Each drop is unique and can fall individually, but can collect to form puddles, streams and oceans. We can freeze, melt and evaporate, condensing to be seen again. As a collective, the individual personalities or karma play off each other. We can have times of peace and times of conflict dependant on how we respond to each other, creating mill ponds or stormy seas.

In my despondency this year at the chaos in our parliament and country I pondered and made my prayer, “Never Spilling a Drop”; that whatever the outcome we came to no one would be left behind and all would move forward together. At the time of making this piece, 28 drops, some similar and many very different, it seemed an impossibility. Now it seems further away, but I will not give up on my determination to see everyone step forward together.

I was asked to enlarge the drops and it has been interesting to see the beauty within each one.

Kate Horner 2020

Pop Up Exhibition

"Thanking you Muchly" has arrived back in Carnforth, and we are going to have a pop up exhibition on 8th June 2018, 11am to 4pm at ArtyBird Carnforth, Lyne Riggs Estate, Carnforth, LA5 9EA.

Admission is free and all are welcome


"Thanking you Muchly"

In my early years of Buddhist practice I went to Trets on a training course. As a young Buddha I sat with two more mature Buddhas in the sun. The lady looked at me and asked “What advice can I give you? Gratitude! Chant for gratitude in your heart!! That is a good place to start.” And I have. 

After teaching a summer school in Creative Computing two students wanted to say thank you for my patience beyond. They brought a bunch of flowers to my home but I was out collecting my son. They left a note leading to the flowers, soaked by a downpour. As I picked them up the sunflowers shook off the rain and raised their heads to me; I realised that flowers are a symbol of gratitude. The card said “Thanking you muchly”, the title for this collection of my art.

I was recently asked if I kept a diary? Mine is not written, it is in my art and here is the story of my life. It is honest, it can be nothing else, and as personal as a written journal. Look at the drawings of lilies made after my mother died and see how they weep. And the joy in the felt created in partnership with my pre-school son, his drawing made in wriggling lines of yarn. Many pieces are made for my students as demonstrations and inspirations and celebrate my teaching. 

Thank you to Mitzi, Glynis and my dear friend Alison for encouraging me to share them with you, and to my husband and son for their love. And to my students, who give me as much as I give them. “Thanking them muchly”

RSPB Leighton Moss Series

All the time I have known my husband he has wanted to run RSPB Leighton Moss. When I met him we were living in Yorkshire, he was running RSPB Fairburn Ings, . We moved when he got his dream job.

RSPB Fairburn Ings was a reserve created on slag heaps, the residue of coal mining. Although it was reed beds, it had an open vista across the water. I use to go and stare for hours, balancing my concentrated close-up work.

I was shocked when I arrived at Leighton Moss, no open vistas here!! Just a maze of tall reeds, and being somewhat vertically challenged, I found this overwhelming and disorientating. I have grown to love it, staring and recording through the windows provided in the hides. These create interesting frames as I draw the jiz of the birds, understand camouflage by studying water iris and watch the deers feed.